Mrs Florence Rutter’s Visits to Carrolup

Mrs Rutter with two of the trackers at Carrolup during her second visit. Photographer: Vera Hack, 2nd February 1950. Noel & Lily White Collection.

Last year on the 2nd February, I published the last of a series of six blog posts on Mrs Florence Rutter’s two visits to Carrolup and her trip around Australia and New Zealand where she promoted the Carrolup children’s drawings. If you have not already read those blog posts, why not check out the first one, Carrolup and Mrs Rutter, Part 1. You can then work through all six posts, if you so wish, by clicking on the link at the end of each post.

In the last post, I wrote:

‘Prior to her and Mrs Hack’s departure at 1.30 pm, Mrs Rutter promises the boys to do all in her power to make their work known throughout the world. The boys cheer her lustily.

Today, is seventy years since Mrs Florence Rutter made her promise to the boys of Carrolup. We are taking up her mantle, having in our possession far more powerful tools to tell, and disseminate, this enthralling and inspiring Story.’

Since that time, I published the eBook Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe in association with my colleague John Stanton which can be obtained from Amazon, Apple or Kobo (A$9.99). In that book, you can read much more about the amazing work that Florence Rutter did in Europe to promote the Carrolup children and their art.

Over the coming months, I’ll be publishing more about Mrs Rutter and her important role in this story.

Just wanted to finish this blog by saying that I gave a talk about Carrolup to the Alumni at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth two weeks ago. I really enjoyed giving the talk and I am grateful for the great feedback I received. John was also at the talk and he answered some of the post-talk questions and interacted with members of the audience. It was a very successful evening. Thanks to Kate McGurk for the invitation.

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