

Coming Soon: ‘Connection’

We’re just 11 days away from the launch of our digital book Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe which you will be able to purchase and download from Apple, Kobo or Amazon. It has been a long journey since I first viewed artworks by the Carrolup child artists (2013) […]

Slideshow, Testimonials & A Break

Just wanted to let you know that we have added a slideshow on our Home Page, which contains old and new photographs, as well as copies of some of the Carrolup children’s artworks. The photos change every six seconds, or you can look through the collection quickly by using […]

‘The Carrolup Story’: First Anniversary

Today, is the first anniversary of the launch of our Storytelling, Education and Healing online resource, The Carrolup Story. It is also the 86th birthday of Noelene White, the daughter of Carrolup School teachers Noel and Lilly White. Happy Birthday, Noelene! Noelene was 12-years old when her family moved to Carrolup […]
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