Rest Reflect Regenerate: We Al-li Programs

Image from We Al-li Programs Facebook page, permission from Carlie Atkinson.

Here are some thoughtful words in difficult times from a beautiful group of Aboriginal people, We Al-li Healing Programs. Please read this blog, the words might make you feel better and help you move forward in a positive way. When I saw We Al-li’s Facebook page, I contacted Carlie Atkinson who told me that her mother Judy had written the words. Carlie agreed I could post them on a blog? So here we are:

‘🔥💦👉🏼We are living in interesting times. 2020 is clearly taking us into an interesting future.

The Bush Fires alerted us to WE 🔥– Fire, and then the floods Al-li 💦– water. So many Australians have been profoundly affected – their lives have changed forever.

Now we are reminded, we are connected across the world – attention is on COVID-19 – world leaders have tested positive to the virus, as have large populations, showing us a world in crisis. As with other organisations, We Al-li is making the decision to pull back on staff travel and workshop gatherings, unless we can be assured people will be safe.

As with all crisis we are also being offered an opportunity.

While canceling some of our workshop commitments we want to invite discussion about other ways we can continue to talk with each other – to come together with the 2020 vision still before us – where are we all going – how we will travel there – who will go with us!

So first take the time to practice self care, to rest, important for our immune functions. Sleep is important. Self care should be balanced with caring for and about others. Being aware. We are all in this together.

Moderate exercise is great. Yesterday here at Wollywootu, we gardened. Three hands all working together, was so good. Weeding digging preparing for new growth. The fresh air, the gentle exercise, and six beds full of future food allowed us all to feel really good within ourselves. Yes – it rained and we got wet, but we saw the moist soil with new seedlings settled into the beds and visualized food for the future.

Walking – being outside –is great. Breeze, sun, and gentle exercise resulted in a good nights sleep.

Eat well. We will have time to prepare nutritious meals … and vegies – fruit  juicing. Healthy Body Healthy Mind Healthy Spirit.

Stress kills. The world is not going stop, so stop stressing and see the future: it is in our hands. Music Dance Art are all great de-stressing tools. Dig out all your old music. Put it on our Facebook site. Watch old movies. Write poetry. Let’s share the poems we write. I am – you are – we are.

Yes – wash your hands – and watch the world around you. There is real beauty out there. Read good books. Take the time to reflect on your life. Map a pathway that will take you where you want to go. Are you feeling healthy in body mind soul spirit?

Let’s talk about activities that will strengthen who you are and who you are becoming. Practice making healthy choices. Don’t just think about self-care – care for others as well. A phone call here and there, check-ins on those who might need a yarn will do wonders for you both. The world will not stop. We Al-li are in this together. Rest Reflect Regenerate, ready for the next round. 🔥💦 (the We Al-li Team).

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