‘My Family’s Story’ by Wazza Jones

‘Here is a film clip from The Healing Foundation that helps us understand why many of our Bibbullmun / Noongar people and our communities are broken.

This is My Dad’s RIP story, my sister’s story, my story and our family’s story.

Yes, life is not easy and everyone is dealing with something, but many of us are also dealing with what happened to our parents, our grandparents, etc… This makes simple things in life that much harder to deal with than what they should be.

All people hold differing levels of Intergenerational trauma in their DNA. However, when it is only a generation ago that extremely traumatic events occurred, the Intergenerational trauma and its effects are often more visibly obvious.

You will need to turn on the sound at the bottom right of the film clip. Please read the description below the film clip.’ Wazza Jones

FILM DESCRIPTION: ‘It can be difficult to understand the impact of intergenerational trauma if we have never experienced it or do not understand the history of this country. Today many Aborignal families still struggle with the effects of intergenerational trauma and to be able to move forward we need to go back to understand and to bring healing.

FISH – Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health‘s mission is to assist in breaking the cycle of generational trauma, poverty and engagement in the justice system for Aboriginal people and enable them to be valued by and able to positively contribute to their community. Educating fellow Australians so that we understand where we have been in our history, to understand where we are now, to then know how to heal and move forward is an important element of our work.

Thank you to the Healing Foundation for producing this video to help people understand intergenerational trauma.’

DC – Wazza’s Father Warrick RIP and Uncle Ross RIP were at Carrolup during the time that Noel White was teacher at the school. Thanks for this blog, Wazza.




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