historical trauma


On Trauma and Healing: Quotes from Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey’s New Book

In yesterday’s Story Blog post, I talked about one of the best books I have read, particularly in the area in which I work. What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD and Oprah Winfrey is informative, inspiring and deeply-moving. In […]

‘What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing’

This weekend I read one of the best books I have ever read, certainly in one of the areas in which I work. The book, What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, is written by Bruce D. Perry M.D., Ph.D. and Oprah Winfrey. The book is […]

Pathways to Aboriginal Healing

The first step in re-establishing healthy communities is to acknowledge and understand the impact of the colonial legacy on the lives of Aboriginal people today and the various pathways necessary for healing from historical trauma, using both cultural and contemporary understandings and processes.’ Helen Milroy, Pat Dudgeon and Roz […]

‘We Shall Remain’ – The StyleHorse Collective

WE SHALL REMAIN was created to address the effects of historical trauma in our tribal communities. Many times, these untended wounds are at the core of much of the self-inflicted pain experienced in Native America. Much like fire, this pain can either be devastatingly destructive or wisely harnessed […]

Intergenerational, or Historical, Trauma Revisited

I was pleased that Wazza Jones blogged on Tuesday about the impact of intergenerational trauma on his family. His statement was deeply moving. The Healing Foundation film, made for the Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health, was well done and impactful. If you haven’t visited already, please check out […]

‘My Family’s Story’ by Wazza Jones

‘Here is a film clip from The Healing Foundation that helps us understand why many of our Bibbullmun / Noongar people and our communities are broken. This is My Dad’s RIP story, my sister’s story, my story and our family’s story. Yes, life is not easy and everyone is dealing […]

Historical Trauma

Historical, sometimes called transgenerational or intergenerational, trauma amongst Indigenous peoples is the trauma that has arisen as a result of the historical experiences of colonisation (and associated violence and control), forcible removal of children, and loss of culture. As it was not addressed at the time, this trauma […]

12 Principles of Indigenous Healing

When I first developed the educational healing resource Sharing Culture, I did a great deal of reading about the healing of trauma and intergenerational trauma. I summarised what I considered to be 12 principles of healing, which are relevant to Aboriginal people here in Australia and other Indigenous […]
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