
A Letter of Appreciation

Firstly, my apology for not posting any blogs recently, but I have been busy trying to finish writing the book about the Carrolup child artists. Very close to finishing that now, so I’m back blogging. In my last blogs, I focused on Mrs Florence Rutter’s visits to Carrolup […]

70th Anniversary: A Promise

In yesterday’s blog, I described the first two days of the visit of Florence Rutter and Vera Hack to Carrolup Native Settlement. Mrs Rutter’s words show clearly how highly she thought of the boys of Carrolup! ‘During the three days we spent at Carrolup we were able to […]

70th Anniversary: A Special Visit

Seventy years ago yesterday, Mrs Florence Rutter and her friend Vera Hack arrived for their two and a half day visit of Carrolup Native Settlement. This visit was not only special in its own right, but it triggered a series of important events over the following two years, […]

Carrolup and Florence Rutter, Part 4

Mrs Rutter returns to Perth after her tour of Australia and New Zealand in January 1950. She is approached by Mrs Vera Hack, who informs Florence that she is willing to drive her down to Carrolup and stay there with her as long as she likes. Florence then […]

Carrolup and Florence Rutter, Part 3

In the run-up to a special 70th Anniversary on the 2nd February this year, I have been telling the story of Florence Rutter’s involvement with the child artists of Carrolup in a series of blogs. In the first blog, I describe how Florence first visited Carrolup in July […]

Carrolup and Florence Rutter, Part 2

In my last blog, I described Mrs Florence Rutter’s first visit to Carrolup in July 1949. Whilst there, Mrs Rutter bought £5 worth of Carrolup drawings and designs. When she returned to Perth, Mrs Rutter had the drawings mounted on cardboard and covered with cellophane for protection. She […]

Carrolup and Florence Rutter, Part 1

One of the fascinating elements of the Carrolup Story is that the Aboriginal child artists had an ‘ambassador’ for their work, a 71-year old Englishwoman, Mrs Florence Rutter. Mrs Rutter was given permission by the Western Australian government to exhibit and sell the children’s art, first around Australia […]

Vera Hack’s Missing Cine Film

One of the puzzles in the Carrolup Story concerns the missing cine film that Mrs Vera Hack (later Gaarde) took of the Aboriginal boys of Carrolup Native Settlement on 1st February 1950. Vera told me about the film when I interviewed her at her home on 24th January 1986, […]

Slideshow, Testimonials & A Break

Just wanted to let you know that we have added a slideshow on our Home Page, which contains old and new photographs, as well as copies of some of the Carrolup children’s artworks. The photos change every six seconds, or you can look through the collection quickly by using […]

The 9th Annual Maali Football Carnival

I often think about the young Aboriginal children of Carrolup, particularly when I am working on the book I have been writing. I think of the Carrolup children’s legacy, not just their artworks, but also their amazing story. I think of their children and grandchildren, and reflect on […]

‘The Carrolup Story’: First Anniversary

Today, is the first anniversary of the launch of our Storytelling, Education and Healing online resource, The Carrolup Story. It is also the 86th birthday of Noelene White, the daughter of Carrolup School teachers Noel and Lilly White. Happy Birthday, Noelene! Noelene was 12-years old when her family moved to Carrolup […]

The Closure of Carrolup School: Outcry

I’d just like to remind you that you can read a 12-part summary of the story of the Carrolup child artists in the Story section of our website, which starts with Colonisation. The Department of Native Affairs in Western Australia closes Carrolup School in December 1950 with little, if any, […]

Why I Do What I Do: My 100th Blog

This is the 100th blog I personally have written and posted on The Carrolup Story. You can peruse the Story and Healing blogs I have written since John and I launched the website in November 2018. I thought I’d celebrate my ‘100’ by describing how I came to […]

Jan James: My Path To Connecting Aboriginal People

On May 31st this year, I (and many others) lost a very special friend. I wrote a blog about this beautiful person entitled An Extraordinary Human Being: Jan James R.I.P. I know I am not the only person who considers Jan to be extraordinary. ‘Jan James was a genealogist, […]