David Clark


A Pivotal Role: Noel White

Teacher Noel White [left side, just behind children in the above photograph] played a pivotal role in the development of the Carrolup children’s art, as described by John Stanton in the film clip below. Noel first connected with the children and helped them overcome their fear. He provided […]


Late this month, I will release my new eBook, Our Recovery Stories: Journeys from Drug and Alcohol Addiction. The book tells the stories of 15 people who have overcome problems associated with drugs and alcohol. Some of the stories are about family members of a person with a […]

Meeting Dilip Parekh of the Carrolup Song

My partner Linda and I, along with John Stanton, spent a lovely Sunday afternoon/early evening aboard P.S. Decoy, a Western Australian sea-going paddle steamer that works the Swan River. We were there to listen to local band ‘Dilip ‘n the Davs’, who performed a heart-warming Twilight Tribute to American […]

Appeldoorn Exhibition of Carrolup Art, Part 2

In my last blog, I revealed that the first exhibition  of the Carrolup children’s art organised in Europe by Mrs Florence Rutter took place in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands in June 1950.  I described how Florence kept a book of letters and comments from people who attended her Carrolup […]

Appeldoorn Exhibition of Carrolup Art

I was really pleased to find a message on one of my Facebook posts from Ange Edenburg, a great-granddaughter of Mrs Florence Rutter. Ange, who lives in Bridgetown, and I have been communicating since then. Ange’s grandmother Margaret Edenburg was one of Florence’s daughters. Margaret and her family […]

Mrs Florence Rutter’s Visits to Carrolup

Last year on the 2nd February, I published the last of a series of six blog posts on Mrs Florence Rutter’s two visits to Carrolup and her trip around Australia and New Zealand where she promoted the Carrolup children’s drawings. If you have not already read those blog […]

My Trip to Nauiyu, Daly River, 2015

Yesterday, I posted a blog to celebrate Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann, Senior Australian of the Year 2021. I mentioned that I had visited Miriam-Rose’s Aboriginal community of Nauiyu on the Daly River in the Northern Territory. I did so, along with 17 others (adults and children), as part of […]

Senior Australian of the Year: Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann

I was absolutely thrilled to see that Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann was made Senior Australian of the Year 2021. Miriam Rose has done so much for Aboriginal peoples around Australia, as well as for society as a whole. Her Award is thoroughly deserved. I was fortunate enough to meet […]

Key Factors Facilitating Indigenous Healing

When I first developed the educational healing resource Sharing Culture back in 2014, I did a great deal of reading about the healing of trauma and intergenerational trauma. I summarised what I considered to be 12 principles of healing, which are relevant to Aboriginal people here in Australia […]

How I Came to Write About Carrolup, Part 2

Yesterday, I posted the first part of the Preface to my book Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe, which told the story of how I came to be involved with Carrolup. Here is the continuation of the Preface, which describes my background and how it has influenced my decision […]

How I Came to Write About Carrolup, Part 1

Here is what I wrote in the Preface of Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe about how I came to be involved with Carrolup. ‘When filmmaker and close friend Michael (Mike) Liu and I were first shown work of the Carrolup artists Revel Cooper, Parnell Dempster and Reynold Hart […]

‘Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe’

Happy New Year to you all. I wish you all well for 2021. My apologies that I have not posted a blog on The Carrolup Story for a while. I have been busy writing another book—on addiction recovery stories—and then needed a break. I’ll be posting more regularly […]

Our Carrolup Talk at Casuarina Prison

John and I visited Casuarina Prison, the main maximum security prison for males in Perth, on Friday, 13th November to give a talk about the Carrolup child artists and see the art class in operation. We greatly enjoyed our visit, which lasted just short of four hours. We […]

Carrolup Art in the British Museum

In April 2017, I visited John Stanton’s good friend Gaye Sculthorpe at The British Museum. Gaye is Curator and Section Head of Oceania in the Museum. Gaye had arranged to show me a collection of seven drawings done by the Aboriginal child artists of Carrolup. These drawings would […]

NAIDOC Week and Two Birthdays

It’s NAIDOC Week, a celebration of the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is normally in July, but was postponed this year until now, because of Covid. So, it’s time to celebrate! John and I are also celebrating because today is our […]

Key Steps in Healing: Judy Atkinson

As some of you know, I was inspired to work in the healing trauma field in large part by Judy Atkinson’s wonderful book Trauma Trails: Recreating Song Lines – The Transgenerational Effects of Trauma in Indigenous Australia. I was reminded of Judy’s book when I was interviewed about […]

Carrolup Talk in ‘History West’ Magazine

My apologies for the long period of time since I last blogged. I’ve been busy working on a book of addiction recovery stories, which focuses on the original story and seven-year updates of people’s lives I originally published on my Recovery Stories website. Last week, I received the […]
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